An explanation

I wrote an article a couple weeks ago (here),dealing with the praise song “Above All”. Got some comments on it that make it sound like I didn’t really make myself clear on the reason for the post.

ultimately the reason was more of a cry for those in music MINISTRY to treat it as such. I firmly believe that ministers of music should be as grounded in doctrinal issues as the pastor. If you are going to wear the title, then you should be held accountable for it.

So in saying that I provided an example with the song “Above All”. So the title suggests, as do the lyrics, that there is an action that outweighs every other action in this song.
What is above all power?
What is Above all wonders the world has ever known?

they sum it up with

“You took the fall
And thought of me
Above all”

Yes above everything else Christ thought of ME.
Now, here is where I ask..Did Christ die to bring God glory? Everyone would loudly say yes!
So now is the dilemma. Was Christ death for God’s glory or me? ABOVE ALL
see there is no way anyone should expect to be equal with God.

Yes, Christ died to redeem the elect, but I believe this was to purify the church to present us back to God. God gave us to Christ and Christ will then present us back to God.

Again, I don’t think the writers intended this to be so man-centered, but were just looking for a good rhyme.

Hopefully this will clear up any misunderstanding on my part.

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